
Sustainability at Knox means we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment to drive positive change for people and the planet. Our goals are twofold: the first focusses on onsite operations and the second on the aquaculture industry.


Our target is a 50% reduction in CO2e emissions by 2030 from a base year of 2020. Investing in a new recirculating water treatment plant has significantly reduced our water usage and associated emissions. We are actively seeking out alternative energy and waste solutions including new composting routes for our net service waste. Monitoring our progress and measuring emissions aids us in making informed decisions to maximise our impact.

Recycling routes

Our mission is to seek out and establish multiple recycling routes for the products we place on the market, in order to divert nylon and HDPE nets from landfill for the benefit of the Scottish industry. Nets will be diverted into three identified routes: mechanical recycling, chemical recycling and energy recovery. Mechanical recycling is located in Scotland, whilst we are working with SEPA to access recycling and recovery routes in mainland Europe. Work with us to manage your end-of-life products and learn more about available options.

Rope Recycling

In 2023, W & J Knox diverted over 13.5 tonnes of polysteel rope from landfill and into recycling routes. The rope scraps are segregated, shredded and extruded into a recycled pellet which is used to produce new products, anything from phone cases to outdoor furniture.

In 2024, this scheme was improved further by creating compact bales to increase pallet weight by over 50%, reducing Co2e emissions from transportation.

Copper-free Antifoulant

Copper oxide is an excellent biocide that is effective against a wide range of marine organisms; however, it accumulates in the environment and can be problematic on sites with specific audit requirements. Alternative, copper-free, antifoulants have been in use in Norway for several years, where the active biocide Econea degrades in seawater. W & J Knox is working with Steen-Hansen to bring copper-free antifoulants to the Scottish market and completed small scale trials in 2023. Full scale net trials are planned for 2024.